
Not that it would have mattered.


Stephen Cummings said...

If it's a toilet, and you really, really had to go, it would.

Dan said...

No, that's my point. If it's a toilet (it is) and I really, really had to go (I did), it wouldn't.

C.F. Bear said...

I used it once. I had to go quick or risk getting bit by mosquitoes in a place you don't want them to bite. These are among the worse places to got potty that I can imagine.

The only place worse is probably the city park restrooms in Waterloo.

Duney said...

ONe time in band camp.....

Stephen Cummings said...

Explosive diahhrea could change your mind.

Dan said...

Stephen: I think we're saying the same thing.

C.F. Bear said...

Since you put this photo up I have been thinking about latrines a great deal. Great! Here we go with Meth and Dan giggling like little girls. Anyway, why would you make a latrine that has two crappers next to each other. No dividing wall at all.

I don't think that there has ever been a situation where two scouts had to go at the same time and one couldn't hold it. What does one do when pooping next to someone?

Do you pretend that there is nobody there? Do you strike up a conversation? Just a bizzare way of thinking I suppose. Definately something you don't want to hang your hat on.