
And Cory said, "Chop it down."


C.F. Bear said...

Be sure to tell them that it was a telephone assessment. A good Aborist always works with the landowner. If the landowner wants it to remain there, then that is the right choice.

However, you may have problems with it in the future or maybe not. If you wanted to start over with something else, this would have been the crossroads in which to start something new. Good luck.

Pat said...

TClog is all about the products.

Through the phone, all he could see were board feet of 2x4's. A-goosh!

Dan said...

There's a tapery little part of the old trunk with a few branches jutting up into the sky above the main canopy. I could see that coming down at some point, and possibly taking out wires or something. But the base of the tree is solid as a rock. And beautiful, this time of year.

Duney said...

I hate to see any tree cut down that does not need to go. Don't let the city plant the next one. Buy one yourself and get another maple, or disease resistant elm. The city will put up an icky cheap tree.

Dan said...

If you want a tree that's bigger than a shoot, it's not all that cheap.

I actually let the city replace my front avenue elm, and we have a nice ash tree in there now. I think what you can't depend on the city doing is a lot of follow up. You gotta stay on top of the watering for the first few seasons.

C.F. Bear said...

Solid as a fraile slab of sandstone maybe.

Some bad news brother, there is a new invasive species called the emerald ash borer. It is set out to destroy ALL ash trees. The Iowa DNR said that Iowa's ash population is in serious jeapordy.

Dan the Lorax has not been kind to your trees.