
That's life in the big city.


C.F. Bear said...

BRRRRRRRRRific photo! I love the Minneapolis skyline. Man the energy consumptio can really be seen when it is this cold.

Stephen Cummings said...

Gotta love the daybreak (or duskbreak) with the city's profile. Cue Stevie Wonder's "Just Enough for the City".

Dan said...

Or Hall & Oates, "She's Gone."

An upcoming picture, I think, of the expanse of the Twin Cities from my 6th floor office building. There's something about "frozen smoke" the almost solid-looking clouds of smoke and/or steam on very cold days, that rises from any of a number of businesses & industries. The entire landscape is peppered with it.

Dan said...

So, what does Magnum PI think? Daybreak or duskbreak? And why?

C.F. Bear said...

I say that it is daybreak because you are facing downtown. If you were going home, I don't think that you would see the skyline.

If you were going home I would expect to see the farmers market or at least the man/woman in the race car ontop of the huge pole.

C.F. Bear said...

Another thought that occured to me is that you are facing south and that means that the east will be on your left. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. You can clearly see that the sun is coming up not setting.

Thus, I gave proof for my answer.

Dan said...

Well done!

(the dubious logic of seeing the man & woman in the racecar notwithstanding: you must think that pole is 900 feet high! For exactly what percentage of my commute do you think that it is visible?)

C.F. Bear said...

Not much of your commute. Maybe 10 seconds. However, if I was taking a picture of something in that direction, I think that I would include that goofy thing.

Has anyone checked the steam coming off of the city to see if it is the heat from buildings or the collective heat from everyone's morning coffee?

C.F. Bear said...

Did you take the picture while your camera was sitting above the steering wheel? I am guessing because I see nothing of your car in the photo. If you took it across your body and out the driver's window, I would think that part of your car would have shown.

Pat said...

Dawn is (was) the easy answer.

Good framing of an otherwise possibly difficult shot.

Dan said...

T-Clog & Meth Mouth: Picture taken out side window, angled forward. Dangerous shot. I quick sure there was none of my own car showing, and "click." The I felt somewhat fortunate to have gotten the I-94 sign all the way in the shot, and kind of in the right spot to balance it out.

Shot was about a quarter mile north of the Lowry tunnel. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=55430&ie=UTF8&z=16&ll=44.98142,-93.285942&spn=0.006967,0.021501&om=1&iwloc=addr

In another 10 seconds, I was going to have the Bascilica of St. Mary's on the left and the Cherry on the Spoon on the right.