

C.F. Bear said...

Good Lord she can't breathe!

Nice picture guy.

Dan said...

Thank you. And truly, adieu.

Stephen Cummings said...

And then there was one.

Dan said...

Carry on, wayward son.

C.F. Bear said...

Great job with the one photo a day Dan! You made it a lot farther than I would have if I attempted this project. Hats off to you brother!

Anonymous said...

I finally have time to catch up on your photos only to find out that you stopped the project. Aww shucks.
Don't even know if you'll get this post...
Nice pic to leave the project with, though. Get it? LEAVE the project... as in leaves...
as in the leaf covering Lucy's face? OK, bad pun.
Well, thanks for sharing all the other pics with us for as long as you did. Chau!

Dan said...

No problem. Thanks for checking in every so often.

I'm having to pull back a bit, on a number of creative fronts. It's a stress thing. My mental health depends on it, somewhat.