One Picture a Day for a Year
Do not forget it.
It looks a bit like some poor bastard denied the fact so you put a beating on him, and left him splayed out on the ground with only a bloody face and your t-shirt as signs of his impertinence.That would be what is known as the hard sell.
Great Pic. The neighborhood is buzzing with this show. I was at a Kids Cook thing last night and they were all talking bout it.
I hope that translates into crowds - dare I say - larger than opening weekend, even.
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It looks a bit like some poor bastard denied the fact so you put a beating on him, and left him splayed out on the ground with only a bloody face and your t-shirt as signs of his impertinence.
That would be what is known as the hard sell.
Great Pic. The neighborhood is buzzing with this show. I was at a Kids Cook thing last night and they were all talking bout it.
I hope that translates into crowds - dare I say - larger than opening weekend, even.
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