
Run. Fast.


Duney said...

Cool Suneset

Pat said...

That's the apocalypse you fool!


Nice shot.

Dan said...

Thanks. And thanks. I actually immediately got in my car to swing around a couple of block to get a not power line-obscured shot, but - alas - the color was all but gone.

Stephen Cummings said...

Some of the colors read, albeit muted, but a good shot.

C.F. Bear said...

The final battle between good and evil will not happen in North America. It will be in southern Europe.

No need to run away, unless you are there.

Dan said...

Thanks, Nostradumbass. Take your prophecies elsewhere.

Pat said...

Southern Europe?

Prithee explain - on your own bloggy blog.

C.F. Bear said...

bite me!